Feb 02, 2008 22:48
Every dog has his day. Unless you're Cerberus. In which case all days are pretty much the same; wake up and sit at attention (or doze when you can get away with it), Watch the endless ranks of souls pass through the gates, growl warningly at any that hang around the periphery too long, same old same old. Occasionally the monotony is briefly punctuated by the arrival of a mortal attempting to sneak inside but that's always over much too soon to qualify as real excitement. Excitement is something that happens someplace else. Except for today. Cerberus may have a tenuous grip on the passage of time at the best of times but it's fair to say that today marks his favorite time of year. Today is the first day of winter. Today is the day the Lady comes home. As a result, there is a lanky, adolescent hellhound staring intently across the Acheron's murky depths, practically vibrating in excitement. Occasionally a high pitched impatient whimper escapes. He may no longer be the clumbsy attention deficet pup he once was, but he's got a way's to go before he'll approach anything resembling adulthood.