im not...

Oct 03, 2001 08:27

im not as strong as i seem mel..i'm not any of the things i should be..I feel you on the it sucks to see how truly alone you are when you do get away from this thing and go out and do things..and the pining and longing you have rips you apart..i'm fucking crying how pathetic is that? I used to be happy.

everything comes with time
you get yours and i'll get mine
when it's over i won't mourn
this facade will be soon shorn
can't be your hero
can't even save myself
won't be your lover
can't love anyone else
tumbling headlong
into this abyss
wanting you to save me
but not asking this
leave me watch me
look away shield your eyes
see me as i burn and drift away
for soon i shall rise
from the ashes
better than before
and this melancholy woman
will be a child no more-

(don't steal my shit or else i'll hunt you down and stab your ass with a sharpened spoon only to watch you choke on your own blood...ty have a nice day =) this does not apply to mel just u other vultures who see nifty shit and take it--)
I think i'm getting violent again..the one man that fucked me up completly and kept fucking me one way or another..he was a beautiful spanish man..steve..he made me so violent and the violent tendancies are re-emerging..much to do with someone else spanish i've been talking to a bit lately. ahhw ell maybe im making excuses for being a violent cunt? who the fuck knows? ::shrugs::
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