I am so weirded out by the featured art at TPP this month:
'Danse Macabre' by *sullen-skrewt It's an amazing painting, but creepier than all hell, inspired by the music by Camille Saint-Saens (which is, incidentally, one of the first things I learned how to play on the piano). Listen to it
here. Look at another freaky piece of artwork whilst you listen.
I am reminded most unwillingly of a dream I had two nights ago, wherein some lady was buried alive by a bad guy, all of which I witnessed from the lady's point of view - and then, inexplicably, I became the detective who had to find her before her air ran out, sort of like in that episode of CSI when Nick gets buried alive.
Unlike in the CSI episode, my detective self didn't find her in time. Something like three weeks passed in the dream before I was smart enough to figure out the clues. Of course the lady was dead.
But then SHE WAS A ZOMBIE. And working in retail. I dunno WTF.
Anyway - go and look at the pretty artsy.