(no subject)

Jul 16, 2008 03:51

Weird dream
I got shot driving home by cook
The car drives away and slams threw a car dealership window where my body falls in the ground
Cook chases the car there and then flees
My spirit is with my body after death
I am trapt as my body is photographed and placed in a body bag
I am finally able to leave my body and visit my love
I stay with him for a whole day
Eventually he breaks down into to tears when I hold him
And say I love him
He can sense it
I then am at this large area where I find sam
She can sense me as well
We walk while I try and communicate with her
There are they snake ghost that come out of the ground the bite people and poison there hearts
As we walk sheral see's sam and says oh god you need to come
Also idk why I still have my phone and people who don't know I'm dead are trying to contact me but I can only see them messahes and can't respond and others are leaving me heart broken goodbyes
For some reason there having a public showing of my body in this large area
I go to cooks house in attempt to find him
I start screaming and crying and then cooks mom speaks to me
She can hear me
I start venting to her when the police show up and take cook
I some how am then in cvs and freaking out when I also then realize julie can also speak to me
This is short lived and then I'm at another funeral
For some reason the police have handed out a peace of paper with the list of crimes commited in my possible murder case by cook and people are wrighting disagree or agreee on it
Sam is crying and then judie walks up to her and says at least she lefts her angles here.
Sam says what do you mean.
She was pregnat. With twins. They survived.
So I then appear in the hospital.
I see the babys. 1 boy and 1 girl.
I can't understand there really mind.
Somehow I dident know I was pregnant.
There amazing and I'm crushed I can't be apart of there lives
It cuts to outside people are about to leave
There's tons of people
Out of knowhere you here squeels and see 2 cars out of control.
A hudge out of control 7 person accident takes place and people scream and cry
I do as well
But by some miracle noone is hurt
Then I wake up.
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