Jul 30, 2010 16:20

First off, a link to the rules, for those of you who haven't read them yet, along with the FAQ.

Now, onto the info for Tribe-a-thon 2010!

If you wish to participate in this exchange, please leave a comment on this post in this format (example entry given):

Username: cerberusa
E-mail Adress: OPTIONAL

Series*: 1, 2, 3


Preferred Rating: Any
Kinks: Slash, bloodplay
Squicks: BDSM, lovey-dovey sex, 'Oh, she never really loved Luke!'
Preferred Genre(s): Absolutely anything

Preferred Character(s): Luke, Ebony, Lex, Pride, Jack, KC, Patsy, May
Preferred Pairing(s): Luke/Ellie, Bray/Lex, Trudy/Jack, May/Salene, Luke/Jack, Pride/Amber
Least Preferred Character(s): Bray, Amber, Ned
Least Preferred Pairing(s): Bray/Amber, Pride/Salene


Preferred Rating: Nothing above R
Kinks: Slash, Bloodplay
Squicks: BDSM, lovey-dovey sex, 'Oh, she never really loved Luke!'
Preferred Genre(s): Anything except Fluff and PWP.

Preferred Character(s): Luke, Ellie, Ebony, KC, Patsy
Preferred Pairing(s): Luke/Ellie, Pride/Amber, Luke/Jack
Least Preferred Character(s): Bray, Amber, Ned
Least Preferred Pairing(s): Bray/Amber

1. 'There's a part of her love which he'll never get back'. Jack POV, Luke/Ellie, Jack/Ellie. Preferably with large amounts of Luke in there somewhere.
2. 'Something graceful'. Pride/Amber, Amber POV. Should involve cats somehow.
3. 'Burning from within'. Zoot, gen, pairings allowed but not main focus.
4. 'Freak' Luke/Jack or Luke/Jack/Ellie (as threesome), whichever one the writer prefers.

*Which series you've watched.
**3-5 prompts are allowed.

You have until 31st August to sign up; after that date, this post will be closed. Check the comm profile for things like due-dates.

Comments are screened.

sign-ups, admin

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