Voting Day Aftermath! or Is It?

Nov 03, 2004 08:14

Ok before I start this rant I must inform you that I was not able to vote because I missed the deadline to register. Yes that is my fault but I was rather busy with school at the time so I wasn't able to make it to go register where I was supposed to. I don't trust those people with clip boards so I didn't register with them. I will register over the summer so that I'm ready for next election. Bottom line is this is a vent not a debate. Another point of view if you will...

You know I'm slightly shocked and appalled by the passing of the ammendment to the constitution to make marriage between a man and a woman. Who are we to say who can or cannot get married? If two people love each other I believe they should have the opportunity to get married if they wanted to! WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE THINKING! Well you could say who are you to tell us we can't smoke in public places then and I would reply with the fact that smoking is indeed hazardous to health and even worse when people have to be in an environment where people smoke constantly. I would site my aunt who has bad lungs because she owned and worked in a bar. GAY MARRIAGE IS NOT HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH! THEY JUST WANT TO GET MARRIED!

Lots of school and city bonds and such passed and I'm happy for that. Schools need more money and we need to pay into them. Lots of them are inadequate and some of them are in dissrepair. We get what we pay for people and if we don't pay to the schools we'll get a lot of kids who didn't get the fair education they deserved.

Now on to the presidential race. I don't swing either way but I'm honestly tired of all the bullshit surrounding and going on durring Bush's "reign" in our white house. There was talk of minimum wage being cut, then there was the war in Iraq and now there's talk of Bush doing away with The New Deal which means no social security for us when we're old.

Republicans don't care about the people. They care about businesses making money to put in the rich people's pockets. I find it rather disgraceful that Bush hid behind the abortion issue and the gay marriage issue in order to keep his spot. I find it extreemly fishy that republicans are asking for challengers and not to have provisional ballots counted. They even faught to have the votes of the people remaining in line after 7:30 voided even though Ohio wasn't ready for this high of a voter turnout and there were only like two machines at some presincts. Nevermind the fact that they used threats of terrorism if Kerry was elected! Republicans only care about themselves and their money. They want the poor to work the jobs no one else wants to work and stand on our feet all fucking day for 5 to 7 bucks an hour and he's even talking about cutting that! Pretty soon it's going to be the same way it was in the 1800's! We'll be working for like 20 cents an hour.
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