Mar 02, 2009 11:33
A snippet from my morning pages during my 2007 Artist Way stint:
"Well, dreams dreams dreams. Nutty, hugely real, eclectic dreams. Of the three I remember from last night, this morning's was the closest to "reality".
I dreamt I was teaching some huge classes at some three-story hippie-facility--live/work, woo-woo decor--and this woman kept on getting in my way. She would turnup the music when a student was talking, used some weird stereo that was hard for me to reach for myself, picking the wrong music, turning it up way too loud. Come to this of it, I think everything she did was somehow tied to controlling the music! Funny since we are in the middle of making a big old music compilation DVD for the troupe. But I don't feel particularly at odds with this project, so I think the dream has larger ramifications...
Anywho, the woman has to leave for some school thing, my classes have gotten smaller and smaller as students have left in annoyance from this woman's antics. I decide to re-group and move my class to a different space within the facility: smaller, better acoustics, etc. I grab a boom box and we gather. I am sitting and go to stand up to review the combo I am teaching, and I fall back down very dizzy. I try to get up again, and fall down, and the whole room spins. I lay there for a bit, feeling foolish and like I am wasting so much of the students' time! I try to slowly come to my feet, and fall a third time.
Then it comes to me--gravity has reversed for me! Which of course makes no sense, and I am far too casual about it. I demonstrate to my students how if I stand on my hands and let go of whatever I am hanging on to, I begin to slide toward the ceiling. My students nod in a mix of amazement and concern. "Could it be this place?" we muse. Is this hippie hang-out some mystical convergence zone? Interestingly, when I sit or lay down and I am fine. It's only when I try to stand up like I usually do that I get dizzy and fall down."