Ok I'm bored now...

Sep 11, 2009 23:31

Things have definitely calmed down now. So much so I'm wondering if I'm still alive. After the frenzy of job-hunting I succeeded in getting 2 jobs, both mentionned in previous posts with Medecins sans Frontieres and the Red Cross. However I have since been informed I'm on a 6-month waiting list for the former, and there'll be nothing until 2010 for the latter... so I feel somewhat deflated.

This has been somewhat compounded by the French civil service. Don't get me wrong, it's a great system, so long as you're French and have never done anything but go to school, followed by getting a job. Having moved around quite consistently I'm now falling through nets... as I always have! Why change the habit of a lifetime, eh? My current position, after 3 months of being told by many people that I'm on file and will soon be receiving my social security card that avoids the need for direct payments, I discovered that nothing of the sort has happened and that I have no rights to health care whatsoever. I have to pay and be reimbursed using my EHIC card. Current expenses since 1st June: over 750 euros, current reimbursments: 0. This wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't that my EHIC card will soon expire, and not living in the UK I can't renew it. A job will ultimately give me access, but being employed by MSF-UK and ICRC-CH doesn't help as they don't make French contributions. So I'm looking for jobs in France that won't make me want to beat my head in with a mobile phone, but the moment I go off on a mission and then come back, I'll back where I am now. It's a massive fucking pain in the arse!

... Maybe I'll be forced to move back to the UK... we'll see.
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