Dec 10, 2005 17:26
I hate hate hate teeny boppers that try to act hard by going to concerts they don't belong at. Case in point: Last night I attended a death metal show featuring four bands; the headliner was Hemlock from Vegas. Very hardcore shit. Much to my dismay, when I got there with Randall I see that the place is packed with junior high/high school kids. WTF? Why are their parents even letting them GO to this shit? Do you have any idea how many 12 year olds got their asses kicked in the mosh pit? How are they going to explain bloody noses and black eyes to mommy and daddy? When are parents going to start paying attention to where their prepubescent kids are at 10 o clock at night?
It was very obvious who the adults and actual fans of these bands were. We were all standing in the back actually watching the show. We were the ones that actually knew what band was playing. We were the ones mocking the slutty 9 yr old girl in a miniskirt shouting that she wanted to have Hemlock's frontman's baby. Seriously. But not to her face of course. We were ones that left money in the donation bucket to cover their van's gas. I don't know why it annoys me so much. It just does. Probably the whole poser thing. I just gave serious issues with half the crowd looking like they belong in a GAP commercial. Ok well not half... But at least half the females. It was amusing, if not a little troubling.
Okay so we have family visiting this weekend. Jim's son Chris is going to be flying in to Vegas in about a half hour. Mom and Jim are on their way up to grab him at the airport. This is one family member that I have no problem with. He's a kick ass kinda guy, and I haven't seen him in years. Last time I saw him I was 18 yrs old and clinging to him for dear life as we flew down the Colorado River on a Sea Doo. That was a fun day. I also thoroughly enjoy making fun of his Boston accent. Sounds just like Mayor Quimby or whatever his name is on the Simpsons.
So Christmas is looking pretty grim here. Jim is spending all his money on treats and candy and chocolate things for mom.. Like TONS of money, since that is all she can taste, so we have absolutely no money for Christmas. I'm kind of bitter about it, because we also have no normal groceries. Just chocolate, candy, and potato chips. Yum (ick). Yet somehow we have managed to be able to afford a whole shitload of animatronic deer for the front yard. Hmmm.. my how ironic. I was able to purchase Xmas presents, and I'm on financial aid for crap's sake. WTF? Sorry. I'm just kinda pissed. Guess I get a bit greedy around Xmas time. Hmm.. I should stop that. Actually I think the reason I am so pissed is because Jim is showing he cares for mom by buying her all this useless crap instead of showing her affection. Yeah.. I actually DO think that's a huge chunk of it. Cuz it's like "Dude... If you would just fucking hug her, maybe we could have a decent holiday". But noooo he has to placate his guilt by buying her off. Yup. This is definitely what is pissing me off.
Ok I don't feel so greedy now.
Alright.... So I registered for all my classes.. and I am taking 16 credit hours this coming semester. Here are my classes for anyone interested:
1. English Composition 101... boring, but I have an airhead teacher, so that rocks.
2. Conceptual Physics... ohhh yeah.. getting moist just thinking about it.
3. Criminalistics.... mmm criminals..
4. The Police Function... mmmm police...
5. Current Issues... mmmm issues lol ;)
Two of these classes (4 & 5) are being taught by my favorite teacher in the world. I can't freaking wait. Physics is being taught by my second favorite teacher. And I dont know much about the other two, other than the english class is a fucking cake walk. As long as you dont mind writing an essay each week. No problem there. I am the essay queen. I loooove writing. Apparently not on livejournal tho.. hmm interesting.
Anyhoo.. off I go. Just thought I'd catch you all up on my boring little life. Take care. OH!!!! I think I got a job. Shhhhh It's under the table. NOT LIKE THAT. I'll be tearing apart car engines for a friend. Yay. Sounds like a blast to me. I love getting greasy and dirty. AND most importantly, I'll be learning a lot of auto and mechanic things for the fucking ASVAB test. YAY. Go me. OK ttyl.