Autumn reflections

Oct 05, 2005 20:54

May the King live forever!

I saw a glimpse of heaven today.
No lie, I walked on streets of gold.
I was walking home
Down a familiar road
I must walk down twice a day!
But today it was new.

Now this was not the yellow
Brick road from Oz,
For that road was simple, boring
And branched.
No, this golden highway
Was made of maple leaf bricks,
Pure and precious,
Refined in the fire of the sun.
Each was unique,
Vibrant, rich, textured.

My feet fell upon them
With the crash and rustle
Of a hammer and anvil,
Yet I could do nothing
To make the road more beautiful.

I know now why our place
Is not yet prepared.
God waits, season by season
For the bricks he needs
To finish the roads and byways
Of our eternal dwelling place.

Money may not grow on trees
But richness does
But beauty does
But pavement does

If it pleases the King
And if I have found favor in His eyes,
Let me walk down this road
One more time.
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