Title: Truck-Driving with the Dead Author: Hijja (kennahijja) Team: Gen Prompt: "Joy" Rating: PG-13 Character(s): um... various, including Ron (*duh*) Warning(s): some potentially disturbing content, a touch of het, ( Spoiler )
This was absolutely heartbreaking. I'm almost shivering after reading this despite being wrapped inside my duvet. It feels like I'm weighed down with something heavy after reading this. That is quite a feat to manage something like that with a mere fic. It doesn't fit to bring out the superlatives now so I'm going to leave it there.
Thank you so much! I hope you're not thinking I'm an evil, sadistic thing for being this happy about your reaction :). That was all I'd hoped for! *hugs*
Wheee, thanks! I'm so glad you liked it. The 'truck-driving' comes from the opening quote, and though I still think it's silly, the title just popped up and proved impossible to get rid of :).
Wow, what a masterful job of mixing joy with sadness and regret. Ron's first memory of the fairy from the Pensieve in particular captured the joy and innocence of childhood, and both Harry and Draco provided excellent counterpoints.
Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! I started out with the fairy scene as its own (fluffy) fic, but then it proved to short, and the muse insisted on angst for no apparent reason :).
*sniffles happily* I'm so happy you liked it! I felt bad for writing the exact opposite of the prompt, but the malicious coincidence factor that assigned me 'joy' deserved a little vengeance ;).
Comments 93
Out of curiosity, where did the "truck driving" part of the title come from?
Beautiful. Unique use of the prompt. Wouldn't have thought joy would make me cry.
This: isn't it weird how joy can have you almost come apart just when things are at their most perfect?
It was perfect, then Malfoy the ghost. Brilliant.
I'm so happy you liked it! I felt bad for writing the exact opposite of the prompt, but the malicious coincidence factor that assigned me 'joy' deserved a little vengeance ;).
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