Educrats go wild

Mar 28, 2012 15:38

"New York educators banned references to 'dinosaurs,' 'birthdays,' 'Halloween' and dozens of other topics on city-issued tests. That is because they fear such topics 'could evoke unpleasant emotions in the students.' Dinosaurs, for example, call to mind evolution, which might upset fundamentalists; birthdays are not celebrated by Jehovah's Witnesses; and Halloween suggests paganism. Homes with swimming pools and home computers are also unmentionables - because of economic sensitivities. The city asks test companies to exclude 'creatures from outer space' as well - for unspecified reasons."
Well, welcome back to the Dark Age.

Please protect our children in the schools from any hint/.
That the world is anything but candy peppermint/.
Do not let them ponder dinosaurs or Halloween/.
Do not let them hear of anything but Paula Dean/.
Celebrating birthdays is verboten, by the way/.
As are Christmas carols (or The Road to Mandalay)/.
They may not say ‘minstrel’ or ‘Gesundheit’ or ‘spaghetti’/.
Teachers are instructed to avoid the use of ‘yeti’/.
Teddy bears and unicorns are banished to the cellar/.
Congress must approve each word appearing in their speller/.
Don’t show any pictures of the circus or horse races/.
There will be a penalty for all unhappy faces/.
In fact, we need lobotomies for ev’ry lad and maid/.
By the time they’re ready for the second or third grade!
(c Tim Torkildson)

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