Sep 15, 2008 23:52
40 Secrets About Yourself..
[One] Who was your last text from?
[Two] Where was your default picture taken?
No clue, but I support it.
[Three] What's your middle name?
[Four] When is your birthday?
[Five] Does your crush/GIRLfriend/BOYfriend like you back?
my boyfriend LOVES me back. *gasp*
[Six] What is your current mood?
meh. tired.
[Seven] What's your dads name?
[Eight] What color shirt are you wearing?
[Ten] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
[Eleven] Have a crazy side?
So I've heard.
[Twelve] Ever had a near death experience?
Don't think so.
[Thirteen] Something you do a lot?
Chemistry. Woot.
[Fourteen] Angry at anyone?
[Fifteen] Favorite Month?
Ummm.. May? Sure.
[Sixteen] Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Taylor Montagna.
[Seventeen] When was the last time you cried?
Heh. Last time I was bleeding. Of course.
[Nineteen] If you could have one super power what would it be?
! I'll get back to you.
[Twenty] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Facial structure. Eyes.
[Twenty-one] What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Um. Nothing. That hot cinnamon-y thing if I ever actually go in there on my own, which is never.
[Twenty-three] Missing Someone?
sure. =)
[Twenty-four] Favorite TV show?
UM. Gilmore Girls! House! ... Friends! Lovely how 2 of those shows are ended.
[Twenty-five] Do you still watch kiddy movies?
Don't you?
[Twenty-six] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
Water. Sort of.
[Twenty-seven] Do you speak any other language?
Spanish. But pretty much not.
[Twenty -eight] Whats your favorite smell?
Raspberries. Albie. Sorry, I picked two. Deal with it.
[Twenty-nine] Describe your life in one word.
[Thirty] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
[Thirty-one] Ever kissed on the beach?
Yes'm. =)
[Thirty-two] What are you thinking about right now?
The beach at night.
[Thirty-three] What should you be doing?
Chemistry. Showering. Reading.
[Thirty-four] Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
Um. A friend? I think? It's been days since I've even been upset/angry. That's a while back. Hooray!
[Thirty-five] What are you listening to?
Nicole. On the phone. Through the wall. Barely.
[Thirty-six] Do you like working in the yard?
Not really. My parents love it.
[Thirty-seven] Do you ever want to get married? kids?
[Thirty-eight] Do you act differently around the person you like?
Hah. No.
[Thirty-nine] What is your natural hair color?
Brown/Dirty dirty blonde.
[Forty] Who was the last person to make you smile?
My mommy. =)
70 Confessions
Just for starters...
Do you swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, so help you?
What time is it?
11:39 pm.
What is todays date? (MM/DD/YYYY):
Okay lets get started...
Who was the last person to call you baby?
When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
As much as I can. Even when it's not me buying things.
Do you return the cart?
No. I steal it. I have a hoard of them out behind my apartment building.
Has anyone ever sang to you?
Has anyone ever given you roses? When?
Um. I think so. I usually like other flowers than roses and my boyfriend knows this so I don't think he's actually gotten me roses. My daddy may have, in his sporadic give-lots-of-flowers-to-Kelly incidents.
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Probably not.
Who do you text the most?
What does your last incoming text say?
"Psh, oh them. They got nuthin on us ; )"
What is your favorite color?
What color are your eyes?
How tall are you?
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
My mommy, right before I got off the phone with her tonight.
Do you like your parents?
Depends on the situation.
Do you secretly like someone?
Yes. I have millions of crushes. They're very hard to keep track of. I have lists pinned to my wall. You can come see. It's a complicated business.
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
My mommy.
Where is the furthest place you've traveled?
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
Sleep. Unless I'm super hungry. Then eat. Unless I'm super exhausted. Then sleep.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
No clue.
How long does it take you to shower?
10-20 minutes
Can you do splits?
I used to, almost, but not for a while.
What movie do you want to see?
What did you do on New Years eve?
Spent it with Albie. =)
Can you speak any other language besides English?
Wasn't I already asked this?
What is the last letter of your middle name?
n. How handy.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
Yes. I'm quite the seat belt wearer.
Are you scared of flying?
What do you sleep in?
"Pj's. sometimes. haha." Yep. =)
Is your hair curly or straight?
Do you have any tattoos?
Have you ever been to Los Angeles?
No I have not.
What jewelry do you wear all the time?
Nothing consistently.
What do you have planned for tonight?
With all 13 minutes left? I'm finishing this survey. Then I'll probably hygiene and such. However, that will probably spill over into tomorrow, just to let you know.
What is your favorite song at the moment?
crushcrushcrush by Paramore.
Do you like chocolate?
Are you easy to get along with?
That's the word on the street.
What is your favorite time of day?
When I'm done.
Are you a happy person?
For the most part.
What is on your mind?
Tired. Sleep. Shower. Read. Not in that order.
Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
Um. Not that I'm aware of. Maybe those twins on Gilmore Girls, I feel like they'd be the type, but I don't remember.
Are you ticklish?
Oy. Yes.
Have you ever worn a crown?
"burger king! and disney princess movie day at woodbury!" Hooray!
Last time you saw fireworks?
When I went to Seaside with Albie for their special fireworks show around 4th of July
Who is the last person you hugged?
Do you have a black dog?
First I need a dog. Then I can paint it black.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mommy. =)
Do you like coffee?
Are you missing someone?
Sure. =)