My first week of school has gone well. I got a 100% on a quiz, and a 98% on a test. These are perfectly satisfactory scores, although I feel I should have done better, especially as I have developed the stigma of being "the smartest person in class". IT is constant ego stroking as everybody constantly tells me how smart I am, and how they wish they understood things and remembered them so quickly.
But it really is easy stuff, especially if you have ever been interested in anatomy or health at any point in time and flipped open a book. Or if you just understand a few latin and greek prefixes and suffixes. I wish my long term memory was as impressive as my short term memory, as most certainly a good portion of what I am learning now will drift into subconcious data, instead of current cognitive themes.
Being smart means you get to help people study, which can be particularly nice, as this school has about a six females for every male ratio, and a good percentage of the females are certainly attractive.
Certainly I sometimes think that perhaps I should have gone towards being an Oncologist or other doctor as opposed to what I am doing, although the six years of schooling, followed by 6 years of residency, and perhaps a fellowship as well, makes that option a lot less tempting and viable, especially as by that time, I would be in my mid to late 40s. (and still likely paying for the schooling)
After several months of back and forth bullhonkey, Dominoes has decided to allow me to work under the table as a door hanger until I can expunge my record.
Did I tell you all about that? Apparently misdemeneors in our country are used as a way to extort money out of people. I did not realize bribery was so well sanctioned.
The process is detailed here for anyone who is interested: here: Or you could wait for me to tell you.
You have to get a copy of your records, then fill out paperwork then PAY $75 to the department of law enforcement, at which point you wait for them to process (who knows how long that takes) then pay an additional $42 + ten to twenty dollars of handling fees back to the county court just to take a BOGUS CHARGE off of my record.
Good grief! And to think that I pled "nolo contendre" simply so that I would never have to admit guilt or hear about the offense ever again.
This is a lesson for everyone I guess. If you want to break the law, you can, and you can pay to have it removed from your record, so really following laws is a lot less desirable in some cases, also IF YOU ARE INNOCENT, PLEAD INNOCENT.
I really wish I had. Then all this shit would have been taken care of years ago.
I am also considering recording a cover tune for inclusion on a cd of... erm.. cover tunes. The bad thing is that I have no idea what song to do... I have never been good a picking a path when there are infinite paths and possibilities. So I am very welcome to one of you suggesting a song or even just the band you might wish to hear me mangle.
If it gets done I intend to post a link to it here.