Today on c-span the Americans for Tax Reform were talking and it was nice to hear and see that point of view spout off there, granted they arent all of one point of view, but they are fiscally conservative anti large taxation people. It was good hearing that a lot of eastern europe has been adopting flat tax and so forth. Hopefully some things that they talk about will end up happening such as repealing the death tax and so forth.
anyhow read more at if you like.
And yes the excitement I get these days is relaxing at home and watching c-span.
also I saw this on carlys journal and I hope she doesnt mind I also post it, cuz I found it amusing, I also hope that things will get better for her and her loved ones right now as there have been some unfortunate deaths. T_T what else shall I say, hmm.
THere are no poisonous birds. Not all of them taste good, but they wont kill you to eat them. Avian flu is not a serious disease and will not take over the world. Unfortunately several disease are already getting to mass populations and they get little to no mention in comparison.
Scientists and Soldiers are the most dangerous occupations to have if you are in a monster movie. They are the most likely to be killed.
Speaking of movies when watching movies made in the eighties it is very easy to pick out which ones have stars that are high on cocaine.
The rat population in my neighborhood has grown, and now I see rats more often then squirrels. They arent as tasty but they often have more meat.
I have a large desire recently to train up to do a marathon or a triathalon. I have never attempted anything of the sort, but seeing the type of people that do them, it takes all types of people, it is more a test of mental toughness and exertion than it is of physical capability. I got an invite to compete in one for leikimia in the mail, and I was going to agree to it, but then I saw that it was for women only. I am still considering doing it, as I imagine it would be a great place to meet females as well and I dont have many qualms about breaking rules of gender bias.
The most mysterious time in a persons life (granted all life contains mystery) is from day 5 to day 19 after fertilization. AT day five a human being is just a ball of cells burying into the uterous. By day 19 in a healthy pregnancy a spinal column is formed giving the new child a top and bottom, a right and a left. The protein that is responsible for ordering the forming of spinal column and head is nicknamed by genetists "noggin". If the spinal column does not close up it is called spina bifida. If the cilia arent functioning the heart can be found on the right side of the body instead of the left. Often times when this happens it is in a case of conjoined twins.
Eng and Chang are the siamese twins that made conjoined twins famous.
During the course of typing this I used the bathroom once, although I washed my hands so you guys should all be fine.
Nebraska is known as the cornhusker state for a reason.
Despite performing as Superstar Policecar for a time, police sirens are one of my least favorite sounds in the world. My dog howls also whenever one sounds off nearby.
I guess that is all for now... I miss talking with many of you, though I often am at a loss for words in social situations lately.