Again, to the lot of you, and today especially to those of you who celebrate Christmas, happy holidays. I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday - did an all-night beta session in #yuletide so I crashed and slept for a solid 24 hours.
Christmas Day was quiet and happy for me and Gem; she had a whole tin of proper tuna for a present and loved it, and thanks to everyone who sent me something this year - I love them all!
I won't be here for a few days from tomorrow, so making a quick post today. I'll be reading more
yuletide stories when I get back from Gnosall, and will make a proper recs post then. In the meantime, here are the stories that were written for me, which are ALL lovely and precious! I have more stories this year than I have ever had - my proper Yuletide gift, a full-length treat and two Madness fics as well as a lovely short from
sleepismyfriend! :D I wrote three of my own for Yuletide - two Madness stories and one full-length, all for my assigned recipient, so I hope ze likes the shorts when ze reads them - looks like ze already loves the main gift, and I am SO pleased about that, because it's my longest story yet!
Discovery by Anonymous (1)
Circle of Magic - Tamora PierceRating: General Audiences
Relationships: Dedicate Lark/Dedicate Rosethorn, Dedicate Rosethorn/Dedicate Crane
Summary: "Rosethorn..." She trailed off. When she spoke again, her voice was low and raw with need. "Stay here."
Tumbler by Anonymous (1) (this is an outtake from "Discovery")
Circle of Magic - Tamora PierceRating: General Audiences
Relationships: Yazmín Hebet/Dedicate Lark
Summary: When Lark was eighteen, she ran away to join the circus.
The Bears Ain't Got Nothing on This by Anonymous (2)
Fandom RPF (#yuletide)
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Panic/Flail
Summary: They see each other frequently, but nothing compares...
In a year we all will be together, if the Fates allow by Anonymous
lovelythings (anonymity erased by adding it to her series, lol)
Doctor Who RPFRating: General Audiences
Relationships: Alex Kingston/Matt Smith
Summary: Alex doesn't expect her mobile to suddenly buzz in her pocket.
The Phone Call by
sleepismyfriendFandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Eleventh Doctor/River Song
Summary: While spending time with River, the Doctor receives a phone call he's determined to fix.
I love you guys all so much, you know that? I really do. *snuggles her kitteh*
And yes, I'm crossposting this even though I still hate LJ, because I know some of you just won't leave, and I'm being nice today. But just take this: that new comments page made one of my friends who has never had a migraine in her life have one and throw up, and that's even worse than doing it to those of us who expect them.