Fic: Before The Storm (BSG: Laura Roslin/Bill Adama, M)

Mar 02, 2008 19:15

Title: Before The Storm
Author: Trialia
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Rating: M
Word Count: 208
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Spoilers: None
Summary: There's no weather in space.
A/N: Beta-read by the ever-talented lilyayl. Thank you, honey! And yes, I've already been pestered enough that I'm writing a sequel. ;)

There's no weather in space. No heavy, sweltering skies of summer
among the high-rises of Caprica City, no clouds hanging low and humid
over the streets. Not anymore. There probably never will be again, at
least not for you.

Sometimes you've caught yourself wishing for a difference in the air
here. You hated sweating in your linen suits through those humid, damp
days, but now that they're gone, you find yourself missing some
aspects of them. Like the want they forced into your mind, the ache to
just rip your clothes off and slide over your lover's body, both of
you slick with the heat of desire and the rising temperature...

You want that feeling back, want Bill Adama to be your partner in that
dance, want him to take you and stoke that fire to the point of
flaring, until both of you fall exhausted to the floor and can't go
back to the stasis of your life before.

You won't make the first move, but that doesn't mean you can't goad -
or rather, tease - him into it. You know he wants you, even if he
won't admit it. You can see it in his eyes, when he thinks you're not

It won't be long, now.


bsg: bill adama, bsg: laura roslin, bsg: bill adama/laura roslin, fanfiction: battlestar galactica (new), fandom: battlestar galactica (new)

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