In-Ep Commentary: BSG 2.18-2.19 Downloaded & Lay Down Your Burdens pt. 1

Nov 12, 2007 15:42

'Downloaded', 'Lay Down Your Burdens' pt. 1.

Notes! Yep, I wrote this in my book that amitee sent me, while I was watching, so if it's a little disjointed, you'll know why. :P I was pre-spoiled to quite a degree for certain events of LDYB in that they happened, but not quite in what way, so that's where that little thread following through the recap comes from. And the lack of variation in my vocabulary, I was too busy watching to care!


Ooo... Cylon the sixth, once more? Sweet! Ah, is this where - ah! Now I see!

Ahaha. Now she has a head!Gaius? Hmm... That's... interesting.

Aww. "Little sister"? That's cute... But I'm guessing that version of Sharon didn't want to be reborn? She loved Adama, didn't know she would shoot him, does - did - she even know that he was still alive?

Is that... who I think she'll be? And yet... she is not comfortable with what she did.

Ah. Had a feeling that wouldn't go smoothly.

Ah, I was right! Heh, "profoundly disturbing". Funny, because I think she's profoundly disturbed by what she did, in a way... So D'Anna is Three, Sharon is Eight, 'Caprica' of course is a Six...

Hee. Knew baby would be alive. I like Cottle.

Funny how Six and Gaius each have their ideal of each other in their minds and yet they're really not those people. I'm not at all surprised by Sharon's anger.

Hee. Still love Anders. ...Bwahaha! Good line. Huh, this is interesting.

LOL. So that's where that line comes from. Nice, Laura. XD! "If I want to toss a baby out an airlock, I'd say so." Hmm, I wonder if they'll give the kid to Helo?

Yeah, D'Anna seems like the type to frak with everyone's heads.

Ah, adoption, huh. Also, I like Tory. So far.

Lol! "No, not yet." What is that? Fractured hip? Ah, Anders? Haha! Nice! And I wouldn't let go. Hee! She gave him her dogtags? Sweet. I never noticed that before.

Geez. Fake dead baby... that's so bizarre. Ouch. Yeah, they should totally have foreseen that. Mother love, remember? I don't think they'll get away clean with that. It will come back to haunt them, and oh? They kept it from Baltar? Well, somehow I'm not surprised.

Oh, so that's Maya? Oh, Laura... Man, they'll be so frakked if the kid grows up to look just like Sharon.

Ohh, she let that Sharon believe Adama was dead? I see! Heh, that's completely what I expected of D'Anna... Mwahaha, but Caprica and Sharon don't love you!

Hmm. That's fascinating. One heck of an analogy. Should I even go into the RL implications of that? But I don't do meta. Anyway, one reason I ♥ Galactica.

Wow, over already?!

Lay Down Your Burdens - part 1

Sigh. Kara/Anders I like, Lee/Dee I do not. Also, I want Laura caps from that C.H. scene.
...Wha? Hmm, I like the music.
Aww, Laura with speech cards...
Ah, finally, the Caprica rescue mission!

Awww, hee! That's funny. And she seems to have her strength back, if she's breaking pencils... Hee! Ah, it's just adorable when Laura giggles. Hmm, new suit, I like it... LOL! Oh my lords, that is so frakking CUTE! XD... She sounds like a high-school kid when she says that! :D HEE. ZOMGCUTE!! I love the way she grabbed Bill's arm and just buried her face in it to laugh! And her curls are so gorgeous, this ep.

OW. Looked like that hurt.

Hehe, they want to hear Laura and Baltar face off? Huh!

Lol! Oh, now she can't stop giggling? That might be a problem! Still insanely cute, though. Tory seems to be getting tolerant of Laura's quirks, though, slowly...

Heh. I knew he was gonna say that about the future. But the rock thing, foreshadowing much?

Kind of sad that... well, what I already know about the election... I don't see why, though, if she was ahead. Ehehe! Man, that's something of a snippy exchange...

Post-natal depression with a vengeance, I'd think... no pun intended... Ah, now I remember the music!

Holy WTF! Did he just break her jaw?! Now there's no way someone won't think he's a Cylon... and maybe, right? (Shhh!) I guess he just went berserk.

Ha, that's some priest. Sam! Guess he's as disillusioned as Elosha was. Heh. Poor Tyrol.

"Um. Uh." What's going on, Lee? Is this... huh! She's starting to get an inkling. But I still see no L/D chemistry.

I find it interesting how well Richard Hatch is able to ignore the model leaning on him! *g* Also, Baltar doesn't deserve all the good - maybe fortuitous - stuff that keeps happening for him, he's an idiot. So much for karma, in this show in the short-term, at least!

Lol! Oh, that's cute. Yep, Kara's learning manners!

Ulp! That isn't good.

Falling? I think -- yep, the priest knows he's lying... Oh, that's not much of a question.

Ooo. Is that New Caprica?

I completely disbelieve that the Cylons will never find it. But I don't think it's a great idea. Hee! "Have you lost your marbles?" Of all people to say that?! There must be a reason the Cylons want them not to get to Earth. And now I see how and why the election thing is as it is... or will be. Well, he would say that. Oh, she's so beautiful, even when she's stressed like that.

Heh, I wouldn't be too sure of that, Chief... lol... "I've never seen you at any of the meetings!" As if they would meet while they're supposed to be staying hidden from the fleet's command structure?

Ow. That... is a very bad thing. I'd hate that. Instant suffocation?

Heh. "Humanity's so busy running they don't seem to have time to be human"? Hee! Isn't that, like, the first time we've heard Laura swear? I like it. *G* She's no shrinking violet, and sometimes even a lady needs to mouth off at a twat like him. :P I like that he totally didn't anticipate she'd say that.

Yeah, now I think I see why... Still not a great idea for her to do that, though.

Hee! That's cute, really. Hee. Oh, boy. Those two are good for each other, I think. I'm confused that Anders hasn't recognised Sharon yet, unless his attention is completely on Kara. Ahaha, what an evil place to go "TBC"! Glad I have part 2. Huh, Racetrack's name is Margaret? No wonder they use her callsign. It really doesn't suit her. Wow, long credits this time.

And now I'm going to be a tease, and post part 2's commentary tomorrow. *g*

fandom: spoilers, bsg: !recaps, fandom: battlestar galactica (new)

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