Fic: Loss of Me (SGA, K)

Apr 20, 2006 01:11

'lantis fic... completely random, kid-friendly and a little undirected... Feedback very welcome.


He can't sleep without her. Some reminder, a photograph, a memo, that will help him to make do without her warmth and her comforting presence at his side, in his bed. He thinks they've crossed a line, but he can never be quite sure of it.


She murmurs desperately in his ear before they leave the briefing room. She's still unsure about letting him off-world after what happened on PXM-476, and he's not sure he blames her. Not, thinking about it, that there's anything much he would blame her for.


He crawls under the sheet and pulls it tight around his back as he moves further toward the middle of the mattress. She purrs in a strange kind of sigh before curling into him and muttering something about a storm.

They'll never be able to forget.

fandom: stargate atlantis, domain: /dream, stargate: elizabeth weir, stargate: john sheppard, writing: fanfiction, stargate: john sheppard/elizabeth weir

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