Title: Glorificus the Great
Rating: PG
Fandom: Dollhouse
Characters: Glory, Minions
Spoilers: Buffy season 5 spoilers.
Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy, I just live in it's world.
Word Count: 523
Author's Note: Written for
penguingirl84 for the whedonland fic fest challenge. Just wanted to add that I've never written a fic before in my life, so I hope these aren't too shocking.
“I’m going to… law school!” Glory yelled in happiness. She was thrilled with her latest choice. If the key was not going to lay down on the ground for her to collect, like a lost coin that she had luckily found, Glory resolved that she would at least would do something to pass the time. A god’s got to do what a god’s got to do, right? That’s the old saying.
Glory turned her head towards her minions. She wondered if they were staring at her stunning gold hair, or if they were just very basic minions. Glory chose the latter. Maybe it was time for her biannual minion upgrade; these ones were getting a little patchy around the edges. Glory wondered if there was a political term for that, and soon, she would know!
“Glorificus, queen of our universe, most beautiful woman in the world...”
“Yes, yes, get on with it, silly!” Glory smirked, though the praise was similar every time, she truly did love this attention.
Her minions looked a little nervous, like they had something important to say. Just as they were about to speak, Glory yelled, “Order!!” She burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter; she thought that was what judges said. “Come on minions! You wouldn’t be good servants if you couldn’t tell me what you have to, especially if it’s important to me, or my hair, or even Ben, or my career at law school, okay, you get the picture, spit it out.”
The minions spat, several times in fact. Glory look disgusted, a look of pure hatred covered her face. Their spit had hit her new Gucci bag.
“I did not mean actually spit! Gah! I hope what you have to tell me is important, now, tell me, you know, using the English language.”
“Yes, of course all mighty Glory, the reason we open our eyes every day...” the minions recited, monotonously.
“Okay, seriously, hurry up; you’re getting on my last nerve.” Said Glory, rather short temperedly. She may have been frustrated, but she still wore a smile.
“Well, Glorificus, it seems that you have found the key.”
“I have? Is that even politically correct?” asked Glory.
“Well, not you exactly, but, Ben” the minions replied.
The smile on Glory’s face changed, from a small smirk to a large grin. Oh, she knew she could count on Benny, good old Benny.
“Ah! I just want to hug Ben!” exclaimed Glory.
“Glorificus, the reason the world spins round, that would mean you would have to... hug yourself” explained the minions, rather sheepishly.
Glory considered this, it was indeed problematic. Maybe if she videoed herself hugging herself, and got these extremely plain minions to show it to him, it would count, just as much?
Never mind, thought Glory. This day was good. There was no point in letting her delirium get even more muddled than it was already.
It was off to find the key. Then she was off to her first lesson at law school. Glory really hoped she liked her professor, or she would be morally obligated to drain him. Ah, the perks of being a god.