Who: Krauser and Through the Looking Glass!Alexia Ashford
Where: Task Force Headquarters
When: After sac!Krauser's escape
Summary: Jack goes to see if dooring Alexia would even be worthwhile.
Jack Krauser was not in a good mood.
Jack Krauser had just been stabbed in the eye with a tiny rubber knife.
Multiple times.
By a doll of himself.
And if that was just the start of the night, then it looked like it was going to be a damn fine day.
Before he tried to shove Alexia Ashford through the door at the police station to punish her for...various things, many of which he couldn't even put into words, Krauser wanted to be sure that putting her through WOULD be a punishment...and more one for her (or the city) than for him...and perhaps Alfred as well.
To do that, he had to take the key from the doll he'd just mutilated and go through the door alone first.
Sneaking into the police station wasn't the hard part. Fortunately, the task force was spread all over the city dealing with the serial killer and the kidnapper. Sneaking past the two left in the station was a bit harder, but not hard enough. Jack put the key into the lock and slipped inside, unnoticed for the time-being.