Who: Prince and Roxas
Where: On the rooftops.
When: Late afternoon.
Summary: Young men gallavanting on rooftops.
Rating: G.
Sleep had done nothing for Prince, well, perhaps that was an exaggeration. It probably hadn't helped that he'd spent much of time gazing into the warm green light of that sphere, his rough hands warmed by the surface until he'd at last pried himself away. His sleep had even been fitful. In the end, the crisp, cold air did more to rose him than the sleep, or the hot food.
But, at least he was not quite so haggard as he had been. The blood was washed away and he now wore the clean white of one of the shirts the gods had given him, underneath one of the thick furs Zelda had brought from Hyrule. But still the cold bit into him, into his lungs with every breath, and the part of Prince that had relished the feeling when he'd first felt it was now quite tired of the whole thing.
He wanted sand, warm between his fingers.
You shall have it, Prince. All the Sand you could ever desire!
"Not that kind," he huffed to the chill air.
With Altair, Prince had been able to climb the tallest buildings right off. With Zelda, since she hadn't been the one to do the climbing, he'd only had to make allowances for his own limits. With Roxas he didn't know what he was working with, so Prince waited where he'd told Roxas they would meet. On the ground in front of a building not far from Zelda's housing. It was a ruin, certainly unlivable, but the structure was sturdy enough that they might gain the roof. As long as they stayed near the edges, the two of them would be fine. More importantly, from that building they could reach the sturdier roof of the next. Lamentably, it didn't have any decent footholds.