Who: Elena, Open to Dean, Sam, Schuber, Matt, and Mello
Where: Sunde
When: Today at one p.m.
Summary: It's time to discuss some house rules.
Rating: PG-13
Elena walked sunk down into one of the chairs in the main part of Sunde and relaxed. Last night was rough, one that left her more confused than anything else, and today she was in a fog, a crux from lack of solid sleep Still, she somehow managed to take a trip to the bathhouse, clean up and relax in a heated soak of water, before returning back home. Bad dreams didn’t make the world stop moving, after all.
If this world ever truly moved at all.
She wasn’t sure if all, or any, of her fellow house-mates would be attending this meeting, but that didn’t matter. If that happened, then all the power fell onto her to make the rules, and that would work in her favor, right? But her and Dean had talked about it yesterday, and she had mentioned it to Sam, and even put up a note on the bulletin board; that was enough effort out of her for this.
But she had a feeling that no matter what happened, Yuber wouldn’t be happy. After all, “rules” meant “order” and that was chaos demon’s least favorite word.
Leaning back, she tapped her fingers on the table and waited. Before her sat a pen and paper that she had been doodling along near the top, pictures if cactuars and the Shinra logo lining the upper edge. Near her feet sat Nathan, drawing on one of the legs of the tables while one of the kittens slapped endlessly at his tail.
Oh, yes. One big happy family here.