Who: Karasu and Michael
Where: Near the Fountain
When: This morning
Summary: A first meeting/mistaken identity
Rating: TBA
Karasu was normally a light sleeper. He had been exceptionally so recently, given the circumstances with Angeal and Sephiroth. However, last night he had slept deeply, only waking when the caws of his crows woke him,s peaking of bothering someone. Or more, they were playing with someone.
Karasu woke up, groggy at the early hour, stretching. It was a quick matter to get dressed and groomed for the day, making his way out of the small house in the town and out to the streets. Now and then he could hear the crows as they flew about their daily business; he didn't keep tabs on all of them, not unless there was need.
Today however his interest was peaked. He was curious to see what was going on, if anything at all. And curiosity was always a crow's weakness, wasn't it?
It was entirely too early to be awake...but he would deal with it for the time being.