English Sucks

Nov 05, 2005 10:44

A kid can speak fluent spanish in two years. But american's can go their whole lives without speaking good english. We even have Ph. D's in english itself.

Here is an example of how annoying our language is.

I before E, except after C.

and Except in exceptions to this rule, like Neighbor.

So basicaly, a core law of the english language is that sometimes an I has to come before an E, but not always. And this is something you have to be reminded of in every english course you take.

English has twice as many words as the second largest language vocabulary in the world.

Most people who claim to speak good english use the big words, and speak with that tone of pompus lust that makes them feel superior. But they all have their own accents, their own little dialects. Even the language of the upper class is just another dialect. So who is to say the language they speak is any better than the english of most people.

The worst though is the science words. They take two Latin words, and combine them into a new long word. So, something as simple to say as Shark becomes as 17 letter mix, of two words from a dead language. In other words, it's just a way for them to appear more inteligent. I read once that they used the name from a dead language so the name wouldn't change. But once a shark stops being a shark, there is no need to call it a shark anymore. And besides, if english beocmes a dead language, then the word shark will never stop meaning a shark.

But of course, every word in the english language has at least two definitions. Most have more, the three letter word Run has over 25 definitions. But Let's go back to shark. You have the fish, a loan shark, a greedy person, someone who takes advantage of others, a type of grin, and a sports team. It is the same word, but it can apply to all these different things and still be used correctly. Now, imagine a language that has a different word to mean each of these different things. And then imagine, that language probably has less than 1/3 of the english vocabulary. The way we get them, is that in every generation we create new words that mean the exact same thing.

Wicked, Groovy, cool, tubular, radical, bodacious, tight, crunk, sick, ect.... All mean the same thing. And for most people, you can't use most of these words because they are too old. We all know what they mean, but they just sit in the back of our heads and in the dictionaries taking up space while new words take their place.

All of this, yet most people still dont understand Shakespeare.
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