Title: don’t take love off the table yet
aunt_zeldaFandom: The Hobbit
Pairing(s): Thorin/Dwalin/Bilbo Baggins
Rating: PG-13
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Language, Mentions of child abuse, Minor violence, Blood
Spoilers: None
Summary: Bilbo is a new school teacher, who is teaching five and six year olds, including Kili Durin. Kili comes with a brother, Fili, and two intimidating fathers, Thorin and Dwalin. Bilbo finds Dwalin to be friendly, while Thorin can only glare at the teacher. After some mishaps, the trio grow closer only to have a wrench thrown in the works. Can they overcome the obstacles and become a family?
Wordcount: 15193
don’t take love off the table yet by honeybearbeefanmix by aunt_zelda