Last night, Tom & I laid on the couch with the cats and read our respective books for something like three hours! This felt utterly decadent, and SO much more pleasant to me than spending an equal amount of time watching TV. We're going to read each other's books soon, which will also be fun. Mine was Tithe by Holly Black (more young adult fantasy) and his was Singer of Souls by Adam Stemple. I finished my book, which I liked mostly. It was her first novel, and it showed. Reading it directly after a DeLint novel that had several similar elements, it turns out--teenage girl protaganist who saw 'fairies' as a kid and sees them again as a teenager--may have contributed to my liking Black's novel less. DeLint is, IMHO, a master. Tom was looking for more novels that show Faerie in an urban setting that aren't all sweetness and light and fairy dust, and he's found it in these two books! I need a palate cleanser before diving into Singer of Souls, so I don't burn out on urban fantasy for a while. I'll either focus on the two non-fiction books I'm reading, French Women Don't Get Fat and Living Your Life For Half the Price, or start Angels and Demons.
Speaking of reading, Tom finished Feast For Crows on Friday, and he wants more. He liked it overall, but thinks he would have prefered if Martin followed all the characters half way rather than some characters all the way. He's bummin' that he can't just dive into the next one right away.
We had intended to go see "King Kong" on Saturday, but when the time came, Tom wasn't willing to spend a minimum of 4 hours gone from the house. Instead, we headed to Kroger to pick up picnic dinner fare (we'd watched a "Ham on the Street" episode that featured hot dogs, and gave Tom a craving) then to the library for movies, and home within an hour. We ended up watching "Daredevil", which we liked pretty well. Some of the CGI was too obvious, but the story was nicely done, the spirit of the movie was very comic book-y, and we both loved the way they showed his radar vision.
cyberdryad's resourcefulness showed us two part-time Circulation Desk jobs open in Greene County. On Saturday morning, we updated Tom's resume and cover letter, filled out the applications and dropped them in the mail with crossed fingers. Our current daydream is Tom working as an aide in Mont. Co. in the mornings during the week and every other Saturday, and in Greene Co. in the afternoons/evenings during the week and some weekend days...which means of course that he'd leave MVCC behind, behind, behind!!! The Greene Co. libraries close by 8:30 or 5:30, depending on the day: a definite improvement.
My main work of the weekend was two big projects: painting the TV cabinet and birdhouse Dad made for our wedding, and organizing a year's worth of Important Paperwork from it's haphazard pile and filing same. The cabinet will need another coat of paint, sadly, and a fair amount of detail touch up at the edges between colors, but it's really looking good! Same with the birdhouse, which will resume it's place on the ledge above the fireplace once it's done. The paperwork project was breezing right along until I found a plastic filing box with a bunch of similar papers, a couple of years old, crammed in it. Uncharacteristic negligence on my part, which really annoyed me. So it goes.
All that bending and crouching left me pretty sore, one upside of which is that going for a run on Sunday (outside again, yeah!!) felt like glorious contrast. To stretch my limbs and cover ground truly felt like a treat. Thank heavens the weather cooperated. Our exercise equipment is in the same room as the filing, and where I painted the birdhouse since the garage is too cold, and by the time I got to working out on Sunday, the last thing I wanted to do was stay in that room one more second.