I just wrote and posted this:
How to strip DRM protection from your Amazon Kindle and Mobipocket ebooks
http://alumni.eecs.berkeley.edu/~rayning/noDRM.html The biggest frustration Amazon Kindle and Mobipocket customers have is either:
1) Their purchased Mobipocket ebooks won't work on the Kindle.
2) Mobipocket Reader won't read their purchased Kindle books.
This is only true for DRM-protected ebooks. Non-DRM books work fine.
Here's how to solve this problem and happily get Mobipocket and Kindle to talk to each other. Since both Amazon and Mobipocket refuse to do anything about this major issue, I am posting these instructions for Windows PC users.
I am able to strip DRM protections from books I bought from both Kindle AND Mobipocket, so they may be modified however you wish. They may be used on a Kindle, a PC, or any mobile device you want!
I did NOT need or use a Kindle PID for this. I do not own a Kindle, nor do I need one to do any of this. I use a tiny netbook PC (
Toshiba NB205) for all my ebook reading.