Ran 3.4 mile hill trail, nonstop, in 32 minutes!!!

Aug 06, 2008 20:14

[Did 15 pull-ups. Haven't been able to do any since our July 15 Boot Camp workout. My left abs muscles are still sore, and I've felt a sharp pain there for almost 3 weeks, whenever I've tried to use my pull-up bar. Tonight it finally hurt less.]

I just set a new personal speed and endurance record. Yahoo!

Ran the 3.4 mile hill trail near my house in only 32 minutes (9:25 min/mile)!!! Did it NONSTOP for the first time ever!!! Half of this trail is uphill. It starts with 0.7 miles of running uphill, then it dips for 0.3 miles, then up again, then down, etc. The last 1.5 miles are the toughest.

My previous record on this same hilly trail was 34:20 min for 3.3 miles on May 19.

Ran tonight right after dinner, too, for all you moms out there. Bad boy. ;p

My legs and feet have been very sore the last 4 days, after my Saturday run 4 times up and down 288 steps on Lyon St. in San Francisco. Haven't exercised since Saturday. My last trail run was 1.5 weeks ago, at the Stanford Dish. This morning, I tried to go for a walk, but the muscle in the sole of my left foot hurt, so I had to hobble. I was afraid this would affect me on my Mexico trip.

Luckily, my foot has recovered!

My last flat track run was July 12, when I ran 6 miles for the first time, setting a new personal distance record

Final pulse: 176 bpm.
Pulse 5 min after run: 124 bpm. They say if your pulse drops by 50 in 5 minutes after strenuous exercise, it means a healthy heart.
Pulse 30 min after run: 112 bpm.

Weight: 136.2 lbs.
Body fat: 15%. Need to keep up my cardio!

My left shoulder has some blisters from Saturday, when I sunburned both of my shoulders and the front/back of my neck. I've been wearing my black tank top too much and will avoid the direct sun more. T-shirts from now on. Plus, I haven't been using enough strong sunscreen.

weightlifting, triathlon, running

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