Okay, now lets try again.

Jan 22, 2006 12:41

Woke up to two txt messages. "Have a good day at work." and "Oops, wrong person"
Well, that's nice.
So I sent "Good morning" and, about 30 minutes later, got back "yeah u 2"
Then, a while later, I got a "So what u up to"
I'm taking that to mean that I didn't make her think I was too much of an idiot.

So, here's the plan. Wait 3-4 days, possibly 5, then ask her to the BMX event on the 10th.
The only thing is, that'd be me asking her on the 27th out to an event on the 10th.. 13-14 days later. I'm not sure if that's a bad idea or a good one.

Anyway, wazzup?
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