Mar 26, 2006 02:57
ok so deer park and la porte advanced to area. not us.
it would be ok, if the judge had told us what we did wrong, and what he didnt like, but instead he spent 50 minutes (literally) explaining to us what he knew about all my sons by arthur miller, instead of critiquing us, and then told us how amazing we were.
Dobie beat us. I can kinda understand la porte and deer park, but dobie? they probably had the most terrible show ive ever seen.
i dont want to sound arrogant, but i really didnt think there was a show there that was better than ours. especially when cast members from every school reassured my assumption by actually saying to me "whatever happens, you guys deserve to advance."
needless to say, the judge not a judge. he came to our performance with a mindset, and when we didnt do it the way he thought it should be done, he disagreed with it. he will not judge anymore.
oh the joys of theatre uil competition.