Bill Gates is the richest man in the world still

Feb 27, 2004 14:52

Ugh I'm so mad about my school right now.

They cancelled the pep rally because ".7%" of our school got in a huge fight yesterday at the middle school at 2:30. Yup. School's out, they are not on our property, they are all arrested and/or suspended, and none of the people involved are even in school today, but they still "postpone" the game and the pep rally. And teachers are told to look for anything "suspicious" in the halls. People sell drugs in the bathroom everyday, and no one does anything, but when they go somewhere else afterschool and fight the rest of us get screwed over. Bull shit.

The only good part about school was Gillian doing a bowling pose and an interpretive dance of Edna's death in english class, which we weren't supposed to even have today. :( Oh and I like looking at biographies of Edward Norton and seeing "High school: Wilde Lake HS". That's a good thing about my school too: Ed went there.

But yeah a whole bunch of people wore colors and whatnot and it was cancelled. I'm mad. That's two years in a row for the same reason. Bull shit. :(

And if one more person talks to me about seeing "Passion of the Christ" even jokingly, I will beat them up. For real.

People can go see whatever movies that they want to see, but I am really starting to get offended when people joke about it with me. I'm jewish and proud of it. So I don't believe Jesus was the messiah and I don't believe that the Jews killed him. Thus, I will not go see this movie. I don't believe in this story. I don't think it is the kind of movie like a fantasy where you can suspend your belief for a few hours and go see it. It doesn't work that way. If you believe in Jesus and would like to see the movie, go ahead. But I refuse to see a movie that is potentially degrading my religion and my ancestors.

It really doesn't matter that Jesus was Jewish. First, people seem to forget that. Those who do remember, however, do not understand that he wasn't REALLY Jewish and his followers were DEFINITELY not Jewish and "Messianic Jews" are even MORE not Jewish. This statement is such a hypocrisy that I don't even know how people can believe it! The whole idea of Judiasm is that we are still waiting for the messiah to come, so how can you believe that Jesus was the messiah and still be Jewish?! Then, most people who believe this probably don't know much about my religion. And this is not meant to offend ANYONE, but the people who believe this are the people who say it to get more people to believe in Jesus.

Each time people talk to me about the movie I am reminded of all the hateful things that people have done to Jews and what is said about them. People blame Jews for a lot of problems (think: Hitler and the Holocaust).

Anyways, my point is that obviously this movie is allowed to be shown due to freedom of speech, but I am allowed freedom of religion and I am allowed to not have to deal with anything that I feel is jeopardizing that right. Including this movie and assholes who think joking about it is funny.

I mean, the first time I kind of joked back and was like "Yeah I'll go see it haha. Not really." Then, it was "Oh yeah you're pretty funny. Not." By the third time I was just mad. Mike Thomas kept doing it today. Four times within one hour. I almost killed him. And in english, the TEACHER was discussing it with students and people were joking about how they "hate Jews because they killed Jesus" and I was like "That's not funny...people have literally killed other people over this topic and not to mention that it's not true that Jews killed Jesus and very offensive." Of course Kraig was standing up and yelling about it, which made Ms. Rust yell at him, but I don't even think that HE understands what had happened. There are very conservative, religious people in that class, including Ms. Rust.

I dunno, it just made me kind of mad and gave me a head ache and put me in a bad mood. Maybe I will watch Keeping the Faith tonight while everyone else goes to see "Passion". That movie has kick ass Jews AND Ed Norton in it. :D

Hmm. Gotta work in 10 minutes. :(

Maybe more later unless I go to bed early. Adios.
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