Santa Claus is coming ..... to a shopping centre near you

Dec 02, 2003 23:46

"The hungry masses had waited patiently for 9 hours in sweltering heat, dust and humidity. On finally recieved their coupons of $15 each, they carefully traded it for food, making absolute certianty that they had got the most food they could get for their $15. They knew their children would survive for another week perhaps more!

I paid $9.50 for my burger, chips and coke
...sadly, I felt cheated" - written by a wise friend

Sometimes, I feel ashamed that I live in the western world. To the poverty stricken who are holding on to whatever life they have left with one hand and holding the other one out for help, the poorest person in any of our suburbs has riches beyond their wildest dreams. I am always fascinated to see kids on the dole who smoke. What is wrong with us?
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