retarded cooking...

Aug 31, 2009 20:11

...which turns out sort of ok (possibly because I'm a weirdo).

I was really hungry when I got home and I didn't really think about what I was going to make, so I just started some rice and chopped up half a block of tofu and some broccoli. I started frying the tofu when I remembered that I had potatoes and this seemed like a good thing to add. After I finished this, I was like "shit, do stir fries generally have potatoes?/will the veggie oyster sauce I was thinking of dumping on this originally work?" and I figured that this probably was a bad plan, so I threw some basil, oregano and majoram on this and then added the broccoli and put about a tablespoon of red wine and balsamic vinegars on this, so it was sort of like a tofu/broccoli/potato salad. The rice was taking too long so I went without it (it will be for late night snackage probably).

This was actually a decent tasting meal... to me anyway. I'm not about to claim that anyone else will like it.


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