The Hardest Thing: [Ginny Gen]

Oct 06, 2006 20:48

Title: The Hardest Thing
Author: heron_advocate / trevorskeeper
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): None.
Character(s): Ginny Weasley, primarily. Mentioned Harry, Ron, & Voldemort.
Summary: How Ginny Weasley learned to hate the world.
Prompt(s): None.
Word Count: 241
A/N: Ginny bitter in this fic. Very, very bitter. She has good reason, though, I assure you.

Sometimes, you have to make those kinds of decisions that only come along once in a lifetime. Well, it didn't happen to most people at all, she reckoned, but when you were taking part in a war, the odds were significantly increased. They were those decisions that you wished you had ages to think over (but you never do), even though you'd probably end up making the same decision, anyway.

Ginny had only been given an instant to decide.

In the end, she had chosen the welfare of the world over her own; every day since, she cursed the day that she'd been born a Gryffindor.

Why had she chosen Harry?

Because it had been the right thing to do. She knew it now, as surely as she knew it then. But still, she wondered if it had been really worth it.

"You should be proud that you did the right thing," they all said. Proud...proud? She hated herself for choosing. She hated Voldemort for making her choose. She hated Harry for not being able to get himself out of a sticky situation. She hated...she hated everything.

She couldn't look at him anymore without being reminded that he was living in Ron's stead. She was probably only contributing to his guilt by acting this way--so cold and callous towards him--but she didn't care. She didn't want Harry Potter to feel good about himself. She wanted her big brother back.

character: ron weasley, character: harry potter, fandom: harry potter, character: ginny weasley

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