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trevorfrost January 28 2010, 18:36:17 UTC
Your absolutely right not everybody is out to get Obama, there are those of who disagree with some of the things he is doing on principal and the issues at hand.

That includes me, I personally disagree with him on several issues, his handling of DOMA, his handling of Health Care thus far, his time spent on trivial things like Chicago getting the Olympics, On White House transparency, on Iraq and Afghanistan, and etc. I could go on but I honestly doubt your interested in that..

I find it laughable that your comparing Obama to a dictator, the tone of his speech last night and his actions in office thus far are far from dictatorial. If anything Obama is far too conciliatory with the Right for that.

He is constantly seeking compromise, its so sad. Because if he really wants to get what he says he wants to get done, he doesn't need to compromise in order to get what he wants. The House and the Senate have a Democratic Majority. He should be steamrolling legislation through the congress like its nothing.

That's what is driving so many people on the Left crazy, that he's still trying to appease the Right, he's actually being principled and trying to give them a say in the matter, and that's why everything he wants is getting shut down. Because he's giving them an inch and they take a mile and run with it.

Because he's willing to make it a compromise issue, because he want's everybody to be as happy as they can be with the compromise.

He actually believes, the same thing you seem to believe, that the majority of the people that are opposing him are actual healthy opposition. That they basically want the same things that he wants just in a different manner. And he really honestly wants to come to a compromise.

But with few exceptions(THERE ARE ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS.) that's simply not true. In fact some of his opposition is so Ideologically diametric, that compromise pretty much becomes either impossible, or so unlike what he originally wanted that it becomes pointless.

This isn't about different points of view, this is about actively trying to sabotage Obama's efforts to make him seem incompetent, naive, and The Republicans doing everything in their power to win back the White House/House/Senate next few elections by scoring points with their conservative allies by confounding Obama time after time, at the same time disenchanting Liberal/Independant voters in hopes that either they vote for a Republican candidate next election or don't vote at all..


rainy_days06 January 28 2010, 18:57:51 UTC
I'm not comparing Obama to a dictator, I'm talking about circumstance and the way things are presented. I never said that Obama is/wants to be a dictator, but people like you that seem to think that he needs to "steam roll" legislation certainly seem to believe that he should be one. Legislation is there for a reason and just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean that they should have to STFU because you're "in charge" that is the way a dictator thinks and acts.

I'm not saying that Obama thinks and acts that way, what I'm saying is that you (and a whole hell of a lot of other people) want him to think and act that way. I'm encouraging you to consider what you're actually saying here - you're encouraging the mindset of a dictator. Do you sincerely want something like that? Ending compromise is the end of our political system. It isn't about Left vs. Right and who is wrong or right about whatever it is, everyone is a little bit wrong and a little bit right and in order to do the best thing for EVERYONE pieces of BOTH SIDES need to be brought together to become policies, laws, ect.

Believe it or not most of the people on the "Right" aren't the damn dark side, none of us are running around being Darth Vader on our days off and we aren't out to get anyone. The people you're talking about, employing foul play purely because they want to make the other person look bad, are the exception to the rule, not the rule. Most people on the other side of the fence feel the exact same way you do - they simply want to be heard, want to do what they believe is best for themselves and this country, and want to go about doing that is quickly and systematically as possible.

Frankly, I think that Obama shoots himself in the foot most days anyway - it isn't hard to make him look incompetent or naive. He may not be incompetent, but he is definitely naive. Blaming people that oppose him for making him look naive is nonsense, a lot of his ideals are naive, the things he wants to impress upon the world are Utopian, not realistic, and while it is great to strive for a better good, for a brighter future, for a cleaner, more pure tomorrow, it is only good to do so to a certain point - that being that your striving for tomorrow's greater good is still conceptualized into an idea that can exist in a world where that is not the goal of a large percent of the population.

If you'd like an example of this failure in belief in the greater good and equality amongst all with no competition - please, check out Marxism. On paper it sounds fantastic, it sounds great, but in the real world people take advantage of the system, in the real world most of us don't give a damn about helping our neighbor, in the real world there is competition, the desire to do better, and always the people that are going to twist things in their favor to have more than the guy next to him because it feels good. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, we end up - not with Marxism where everyone lives without want or in pain - but Communism, where everyone except a select few are worse off than they were before we began and the people on top are manipulating the system to steal from those that they have forcefully put below them.

Obama is a bit like that, I'm not saying that he IS a communist (only saying this because you seem not to understand that I an not doing name calling here, only trotting out similar ideas to illustrate my points) but that his ideas work like Marxism, good on paper, turned into something ugly and taken advantage of that actually does the exact opposite of it's intention in the real world.


trevorfrost January 28 2010, 19:50:58 UTC
Your right I apologize I made a mistake, I used the word should, instead of could,

He "should" be steamrolling legislation through the congress like its nothing. That was a mistake on my part I really honestly sincerely apologize.

I don't honestly believe that he should, but frankly i don't see how he's going going to actually get anything even remotely like or close to what he wants or what the people who actually voted for him and caused him to be President in the first place wants.

I just don't see any other options at this point, if he doesn't grow at least a little bit of a backbone, and choose one issue, just one, it doesn't have to be all of them just one, and really really, fight for it. He's going to be known as the President who sat back and did nothing his entire presidancy.

Hell I totally disagreed with Bush and his policies, but at least he actually cared about them enough to fight for them. In fact I admire many Republicans their passion, no matter how completely wrong many of their views are. Sometimes, I can even find things that I agree with them on, usually fiscal things though not social ones.

It makes me frustrated, why should I even bother getting involved in the political process, there's no point, nothing ever changes. Its a slow laborious dinosaur that is riddled with corruption and filled with people who only want to line their pockets and make their names.


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