So I had a decent day today. I haven't updated in a while, sorry 'bout that. Just been in a mediocre kind of mindset. 'Nuff about that though. Just a quick one.
I was on my way home tonight and the roads were icy. I mean really icy. As soon as it hit the ground it was frozen basically. So I'm driving slower than normal to be safe and there's a guy ahead of me about a quarter mile. I see him go over the hill we're both approaching and I see his tail lights start to swerve and then I see his headlights facing me. I'm sitting here thinking the whole time before he even went over the hill that he was going in the ditch, he did. I slowed up waiting for him to get out of the ditch under his own power hopefully which he did also. Unfortunately, he stopped at the driveway he got up to and I pulled over to the side of the road and flipped on my four ways. I got out ran back and he had a flat. Ran back to my car and moved it so then it illuminated his car so that we could change the tire. I made sure his car was off the road as was mine (we were in someone's driveway out in the country). So I helped him change his tire and made sure he was safely on his way. That's my very extended short story. Also my good samaritan act for the day/week. Wanted to share it because it made my day worth it.
Later Folks...