(no subject)

Jan 01, 2006 22:04

So I'm sorry I didn't have a more catchy or witty cut than this. I'm very very tired. New Years was an indifferent affair for me. It was good and bad. Mostly, bad, but it happens. There were a few people at the party that decided to go overboard drinking and ruined it for everyone. One especially drank too much. He has a chemical imbalance in which he becomes psychotically violent. I had my cell phone ready to call the police because it wasn't the first, nor I'm sure it'll be the last time, that it's happened. Though the last time he got as violent as I had seen him last night it was him threatening me with violence. The only way he left was because I gave him five minutes before I called the police. I really wanted to hit him that night but I refrained because I have this thing called self-control.

Any how, today was a really good day. Got up at 10:30, got home about 11, began shoveling a large mound of rock at about 11:30. Stopped shoveling around hmm...6? Let's say that large mound is much much smaller. It was funny. I got into a zone of when I was shoveling that it didn't hurt. Now let me explain. It's like a long distance marathon runner, after a point, your legs really start to hurt. I mean really start to hurt. Once you get past another point the pain disappears and you get this sense of euphoria. It's a weird point, but everyone at sometime or another has had that. Depravation of sleep causes it, lack of eating (for whatever stupid reason), excessive gaming (*raises hand*), you name it, it happens. But yeah, I hit a point where my back was really hurting, then after about twenty minutes it was gone. I just kept shoveling. I was so into what I was doing that I worked an hour past dark to get to a point that I thought was good. Now I'm just really really tired. I should go to bed, but a friend is supposed to be stopping over.

So here's a side note, I made five large off the three days I worked for the moving company in which I went to Mason City. I hope you don't take this to be bragging but just how impressed I am with what my co-worker/employee paid me. Apparently I've been in the process of being groomed for working with him when his current helper takes absence for the birth of his son. I worked 32 hours in three days and made the amount as earlier stated in those three days. That averages out to about 16 an hour. Outstanding.

Ok, now I must shower and go back to gaming. eve online.

Later Folks...
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