Jul 14, 2005 00:05
well i just got home from california and i had a great time. I guess ill start from the beginning. thursday evening we went up to the airport and stayed the night at a hotel. we stayed becasue we had an early flight and didnt want to wake up really early. we flew to minneapolis/st paul airport for a lay over and i guess that was cool, nothing really exciting happened. we then flew form that airport to the sacremento airport. we got there at like 11am california time(which i never adjusted to). we then drove to my uncles apartment and i got to see him for the first time in 5 years. after "the reunion" we went out to eat and back to the apartment. we went to eat on a boat where they showed this "murder mystery dinner" i wasnt expecting much but i had alot of fun with it, maily becasue the lady(hostess/lead actress) kept coming over and taking to me about the whole thing. the next day my uncle had to work so we went to san francisco. It has to be one of the coolest cities in the world. its full of sea food restaurants and other types of good food. we went on a tour of the city and our crazy mexican tour guide, Ramone, made some bad jokes but otherwise was pretty cool. i cant even rememebr what i didi that day besides the tour becasue there was so much. that night i got talking with my uncle and he was telling me how he used to go to this head bangers club and hang out with all these bands. one of those bands happened to be Nine Inch Nails before they made it big. the other was sanction, which for soem reason sounds very familiar. well he was telling me how they used to sit around and how trent reznor would be on so many drugs and watning to be liek bono and be political. well i guess my uncle and the rest of the guys didnt care and would constasntly tell him to shut the hell up. he said that back then NIN was just loud and not really thast good untill one night when there were a bunch of record label executives and they just blew them away. i thought that was pretty cool. the next day we went to lake tahoe. if you are in to the scenery type thing its amazing. we went on another tour that lasted a bit too long but otherwise was pretty breathtaking. monday we went to sutter creek. it was a bit boring and me and my uncle just kinda hung out while my mom grandma and sister shopped. we then went to a mine tour which was kinda cool but a bit lame, it had its moments. later on that night we went to this real good chinese restaurant. tuesday we went to 6 flags. it is nothing compared to cedar point but i still had alot of fun. and wednesday we woke up at 330 and left for the airport. and now sadly im home