(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 03:56

Today was excellent.
Originally, starting with a kid in the dojo asking me:
"Are you in college? Are you married? Are you gonna get married? How old are you?"
..I chuckled at that. A friend suggested it was the mom going through the kid to get the info. That'd be funny but as far as I can tell the couple is together. I think it's just that he's curious.. I'm not too surprised either, apparently he's the same birthday as me (yes I know, and the same as all three of you who read this and share that date! heh).

And then, well, I went to New Jersey for leprechaung's party, where I saw angryjonny, physicsninja, daeron, rumigrl, belovedlake and novemberwolf. I think that's all of the ones I know on LJ..
The party was because he came back from Korea, where he was teaching english for a year.
And then I realized, wow, all those people are people I'd like to be friends with... And so, heh, I started befriending them! That reminds me that I need to get leprechaung to send me some contact info for key people :)
I actually managed to discuss most if not all of my key interests today, which was really cool.
I was going to write a real description of the people I met, but suffice it to say they're all very together, they have goals, a track they've set for themselves, they're following it, and.. Eh, overall, it feels like life's not at a standstill with them. Their eyes show life and mental activity. Kudos to leprechaung for proper choosing of his friends. There's my seal of approval, for what it's worth!

... Now sleep time for me.

friendship, life

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