Violence, Religion, Injustice, and Death

May 26, 2008 11:56

I created a Muxtape! You click on the link above, click on the first song, enjoy it and then watch as the next song plays immediately afterwards. I sort of miss making people mixtapes, because I love sharing music with people, but I never have anyone asking me for them. What I like about the Muxtape idea, though, is that you can listen to it while on the computer with just two clicks. Sometimes, while I'm on the internet, I like to open zshare links and just listen to the song play before downloading, or I might not even download it. It's sort of like radio for the age of the internet. Because, when are you not looking for new songs to hear without any delay? The "no delay" aspect is key, because when you are on the internet, everything must happen immediately: who is even still willing to deal with a dial-up connection?

I'll probably put up descriptions of the songs later. I break the golden rule of mixtapes by including two Pet Shop Boys songs, but if you can't handle that much of the greatest pop group of all time, then our friendship may only go so far.
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