Another Useless Post of Quiz results, take them if your bored like i am

Aug 28, 2006 13:58

as stated above here are some of the dumb-ass personality quizes i found on the web

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?

You're A Hero!You live to save the world! You are honest, true, and always victorious! You may not always get the girls/boys, but all you really want to do is battle the bad guys.
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What metroid character are you?

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Which Nintendo Video-Game Character would you be?

You are Link. You are a brave youth from Hyrule. You are the hero of one of the greatest games ever made. You enjoy wearing tights,But that's OK we understand. First appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
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I quess i do like tights?!?! O_o

Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?

Which FLCL Character Are You ?

Usually quiet and reserved, you're a placid individual who wishes to please everyone else. You have no qualms about society and are quite attached to your loved ones. However, there is a dark side to you. Everyone has their limits, after all, yours are just harder to reach.
In the Manga: Kanchi is the polite and kind housekeeper of the Nandaba family. He got his nicknamename, Canti - short for Cantide - from Mamimi. To her, he is the "black angel of fire".
Take this quiz!

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i think that will do for now, lol

In other news i get my new MP3 player tomorrow. Gonna have fun with that. More ram for the comp also so more gaming possiblities. nothing much to do but work, and sit around when im not at friends.
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