Apr 23, 2007 14:02
Okay, I switched my last post to friends only because I was an idiot. While I meant and stand by everything I said, I realize I shouldn't have used my ex's name in it. He sent me an email requesting that I remove his name, which I did, but I can't edit his name out of people's comments so I was in a bit of a bind. My only option was to mark the post as friends only, which I hate doing and which I've only had to do once or twice before. I like this blog to be an open book, but I realized belatedly that putting his name in here was overstepping the bounds. Crap.
That being said, maybe the point will finally get through to him. I may be a little slow at times, having this crazy penchant for giving people the benefit of the doubt even in the face of mountains of undeniable evidence, but I think the only thing that actually gets through to him is him getting hurt. There were several things in our relationship that I complained about and he never raised a finger to fix no matter how insistent I was. When it was just me being hurt by it, it didn't seem to register. But when it actually affected him, oh hey, time to change things! I must've been stupid because I never put two and two together until fairly recently, but it looks like a pattern with him. Really nice guy, very generous and kind... but completely unable (or unwilling?) to understand other people's needs if they're any different than his own.
I just hope that seeing that stuff posted about him with his name attached is enough personal hurt for him to finally get the message that I've been screaming from the roof tops for the past 1/3 of a year. I don't want him to have a bad life by any means, I just don't want his life intersecting with mine.