Special thanks to
brunorepublic for letting me know about the "make a song that lasts 60 seconds or less" meme and for wasting a bunch of my time. :) Hey, it's been awhile since I've thrown something together like this so I figured what the hell? And you know what? I'm kinda fond of my little creation.
Minute Madness EDIT: Hmm, after listening to this a few times today, there are definitely some things I want to clean up. I still think it's pretty good for a sub-60-second tune thrown together after midnight when I should have been in bed, but there are a few places that need some tweaking. I'll do some work on it tonight and update the link with an improved version. Not sure if anyone will notice the changes, but I will. :P Don't let that keep you from listening to it now though.
EDIT: Okay I uploaded a slightly touched up version. A couple awkward things were changed so it sounds a bit more polished.