Ok, two entries in a month...its the end of the world!

Aug 09, 2009 17:36

No no, not exactly. But, I know there are a a lot of my friends who do crafts/sewing etc etc. Well, seems my sister, who a few months ago moved into my grandparents house....mind you that's another story I'll only go into if asked but lets just say it annoys the shit out of me....anyways, she's now cleaning out all the old sewing things my grandmother had collected over her near 80 years of life. Now of course my grams passed a couple years back but as all crafty people know death is no barrier to hording craft goods. Well, my sister and mother have decided that anything that isn't gone by the end of the week is getting chucked. So, I'm going to go down and claim it all so that I can be sure it finds homes with people who care instead of in a landfill.

I know the cast majority of her collection are old quilting patterns, cross stitch both printed and counted, sewing patterns for blankets and what not, lord knows what else. If you 'are' one of my crafty friends and would like to drop me an email at Sir_kazrak@yahoo.com just put something in the header so I know your looking for craft stuff and I can give you a call or have you call me and I can dig through while talking to you and see what you may be interested in. And then find a way to get it to you. I believe its near 4 large rubbermaid tubs full of 'stuff'. I'll have it in the next day or two here at the house. Don't be shy about dropping a line to me.
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