Jul 27, 2009 12:20
You'd think something like a replacement Declaration form for your student loan would merit some level of importance, right? And that if you rang the company requesting said declaration form they would send it pretty sharpish, right?
Wrong ><
I've been waiting a WEEK for this dratted spare form. I'm now getting sort of paranoid that this form will magically appear the Monday AFTER I end up in the land of pastries and Vikings, just to be very, very annoying. In addition, I've also found out that the Registry at the Uni haven't actually gotten round to posting my evidence for my year abroad (basically a piece of paper with the Uni stamp on it ><) because the chief clerk was off sick last week. This means that the LEA still don't think I'm an exchange student and are therefore currently not giving me the extra £1000 I really could do with until they see that form. Plus they don't know my term starts 2 months before term at Leicester, so now I don't know whether I'll get said funding in August or October. If it's October, I'm REALLY screwed. Even if they get that form, who knows how long it'll take them to process it, and whether they'll give me monies while they do....
*cries in corner*
OK, I admit that I could have been a little more organised and sent the form off earlier. I'll admit that it might have been a good idea not to dismiss ALL my mail as bank statements (to be fair, most of them are though...or the bank trying to sell me new accounts/credit cards/ect) thus probably loosing the Declaration form in the first place. I still think its odd that I didn't get pelted with reminder notices like I did last year....I got about 3 in the course of a month...and that the only form I seem to have was the one I rang up for....
How bizarre 0_o
Funding issues aside, I'm sort of excited :3 I still have a lot of packing to do (hoe does one go about cramming your life into 15Kg of baggaga allowance?) and Danish to learn *snort* but for the most part, this should be fun. I know my first 3 weeks will be me being forced to do happy, smiley things with the other exchange students (Legoland - whoop!) but after that I can quietly retreat to my room and plan my joggings around Aarhus/Copenhagen/Denmark. I might even go hunt down some Vikings!