Aug 08, 2005 19:46
hey peeps, wow what a weekend, it all started on thursday... i think lol. oh yes oh wait i think i was wednesday, yes wednesday. wend for wings with Kris, Warren, Brenna, and too people who for the life of me i could not remember their names, anyways went to paddy's in thickwood then deisel, it was surprising that its soo fuckn busy every day of the week, i think i just found my new hang out whahh! it was a fuckn gong show as usual, my friends are the most fucked up group in fort mcmurray but i love them, later on i recall having a red river jigging contest with warren john, Kris was the judge lol i lost of course.. too funny.
thurday i awoke with the most dreadfull migraine headache possible, went home showered and did pretty much nothing all day but had a few brewskies and chilled by myself cleaning the apt. friday i went to work at bootlegger, it was a little strange because the atmosphere there is not a very good one a little disturbing even, I am the only one there who knows everything there is to know about bootlegger and i have no control over any situation that happens to um well.. happens anyways after that weird episode i had some of the boys over for a game of poker " sounds really manly but trust me it was just david and shaun and all three of us had no fuckn clue what we were doing but it was fun i kicked theres asses lol. polished off a bottle of hpnotq and went to cowboys woot woot. saturday was yet another weird day at bootlegger i was a bit sketchy because of a slight case of the 24 ounce flu. leann e was a little upset at one point in the afternoon I honestly wanted to walk right up to those too bitches and find out whts the fuck was going on. but i think i must wait a bit to draw the line of what i dont want to see in my store, honestly if i wasnt returnig to school in the fall i would so take over as management. anyways we were at a bbq that evening with titanya, shauna dave shaun and adeeb? ( i dont know how to spell nor to pronounce it correctly) so the evening went pretty smooth, i woulod go into greater detail, but I might get into some trouble lol it was fun though, sunday was yet another day of the hangover blues, I awoke showered david picked me up to help with his hot tubs at the interplay, later we had some beers and just chilled in my room for like 3 hours and shot the shit, warren called and we went to deisel again... it was fun met lalalalalisa and yeah gong show,later came back and drank until 5 in the mornig.. poor dave went to work at ten " ouch" anyways this queen shaun is waitng for me at the fuel lounge so ill write about the rest of my summer of 2005 alcohism later