Please have a good one

Jul 07, 2008 21:47

I really think you should all go read Sweet Plum Wine. This is probably the only context in which I will ever rec fic that isn't strictly Akakame. Pin isn't really... OK, Pin makes my soul go blankface. Blankface in a way that even Akakame usually can't save me from. So maybe it isn't saying much to claim that this is the best Akamepi fic I've ever read. Maybe I should just say that it's brilliant. Because it is.

PS: I had some sort of breakthrough regarding uniAU at work today, I kept reaching for post-its, hastily outlining scenes in the middle of cairn-name corrections. Possibly I have enough for me to stop staring at Word and actually write something again. But you know, aldkfjgn, again, this isn't saying much. T_T


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