Aug 28, 2005 07:27
so this week has been.;..i dunno, at least semi-eventful.
nothing really happened till friday. i was riding the horse heidi was taking care of and she started to buck. i set my hand down to stable myself, and i ripped off my fingernail. the whole damn thing. not just the fake one.
its pretty gross.
tried to take a picture of it, but dad sucks at taking pictures. it was blurry. and i'm not taking off the bandage for a long time.
then creek lost their first game. poor creek. at least they scored.
me and bill talked at least once a day. its very cool. its keepin' me going.
last night some punk kid talked to me on aim and called me a wannabe barbie, and a dyke for being in rotc. and i'm pmsing hardcore, and i already felt bad.
i'm gonna go eat a little bit, do some of my correspondence course and then my homework. there is a supriseing lack of homework this year. it rocks.