The Big Blizzard!

Jan 28, 2015 00:32

Hello LJ, I think I should update this. I've been here for fifteen years so I shouldn't leave this entirely abandoned. I was going back and reading this recently and I seem to have blogged about most of the storms which have happened since 2002, might as well keep it up. Yesterday/last night, what was supposed to be an "historic storm the likes of what the NY area has ever seen," turned out to be only a foot of snow, which fell overnight. I feel bad for the people in Boston and the rest of New England, who are without power and electricity, but I'm glad it wasn't too bad here, and that I got the day off and accomplished something during the "blizzard to boot."

Because I thought that squandering an extra day off by going on the Internet and watching Netflix would have been wasteful, when I got home from work on Monday, I immediately got to getting socks done in the laundry. I was at the point where I was buying extra socks instead of doing laundry, and needed extra time to do three loads of socks. By the time the load was out of the dryer, it was already 10:30. Sat and watched the rest of the blizzard coverage on TV, first WCBS, then Celebrity Apprentice on WNBC, then WPIX news who went on until 1:00 AM, and finally The Weather Channel. The entire time I was freaking out fearing that my parents would lose electricity, I would lose cable, and that for the next few weeks I would be stuck in my apartment with my parents without cable.

Around 1:00 Facebook went down, so I went on twitter, and got too tired to stay up, so went to bed a reasonable 2:00 AM.

Slept later than I wanted to, but got the kitchen cleaned up and semi organized. After that I ended up getting the car dug out and dusted off, and by the time that was done, it was 5:30 at night. Got a cup of hot chocolate from Panera after that then sat down to sort/organize socks. Friends called who wanted to get Sushi for dinner. Came home, sorted the rest of the socks, and before I knew it it was midnight.
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